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Mini Softie

The Mini Softie is an extremely small, lightweight and comfortable backpack parachute system designed for use in today's restricted cockpit environments. It is available in either 15" or 16" wide versions. The 16" version is thinner which is ideal for cockpits with limited room fore and aft.

Long Softie

The Long Softie is designed to conform to and maximize the comfort of the contoured seating found in todays high performance gliders and aerobatic aircraft. The Long Softie is available in either 180 lb or 240 lb versions.

Seat Softie

The Seat Softie is a seat pack style parachute system that offers the same comfort and reliability as our other Softie models. The Seat Softie is designed for use in aircraft that simply have no room for a back style parachute. The Seat Softie is available in a number of configurations including: Flat, Wedge and Decathlon/Citabria.

TT21/TN72 Conspicuity bundle with 1 m TA50 antenna (complete system)

The bundle that leaves you needing nothing.

TT22/TN72 ADS-B bundle with TA70 antenna (complete system)
TT22/TN72 ADS-B bundle with TA70 antenna (complete system)

The bundle that leaves you needing nothing.

Paratec Mini chute

Ideal for a small person and/ or narrow aircraft.

Paratec Long chute

The cushion creates extra comfort by supporting your lower back. Ideal for you, when you are in a reclined sitting position.

Paratec Standard chute

The STANDARD WINGMAN is ideal for you when you fly sitting in a more upright position .


Primary Replacement STC’d, TSO’d & PMA’d
Remove your old engine instruments, including RPM, Manifold, EGT/CHT, Fuel Level, Oil Pressure and more!

TX56 Nav/Com 8.33khz Complete (10 watt)

The TX56 has a superior display, with features including Dual Watch, Say Again, with a configurable memory database for over 200 radio and 200 Nav frequencies and identifiers. The Nav/Com has a built-in digital CDI and is an ideal retrofit for SL30 and KX155 Nav/Com units.

TX57 Nav/Com 8.33khz Complete (16 watt)
TX57 Nav/Com 8.33khz Complete (16 watt)

The TX56 has a superior display, with features including Dual Watch, Say Again, with a configurable memory database for over 200 radio and 200 Nav frequencies and identifiers. The Nav/Com has a built-in digital CDI and is an ideal retrofit for SL30 and KX155 Nav/Com units.


Primary Replacement
3 1/8″ Flush Mounts (2)
Can Replace Up To 16 Primary Instruments.


Without question, the MVP-50P is the industry’s finest engine analyzer and
systems monitor. The MVP-50P is a full color, glass-paneled, completely
customizable engine analyzer

GNC 355A - Touchscreen Aircraft GPS/COM
GNC 355A - Touchscreen Aircraft GPS/COM
Immaculate LS7 (Soon to be Neo)
SF25 Rotax Falke
SF25 Rotax Falke
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