We produce several types of tail dollies for single seater and two seater gliders.
We produce several types of tail dollies for singleseater and twoseater gliders. We also produce tail dollies for czech wooden historical gliders VT-116 Orlik II.
Towing bar allows you to tow the glider by a car equipped with the ISO-50 ball towing connection. We have elegant solution both for light or heavy gliders. For heavy gliders we consider: gliders with water ballast with MTOW over 525kg,
Our customers bring new ideas to our products. The tow bar XXL was designed after the request of Bitterwasser pilots, who have problems with soft surface of the dried lake airfield.
The Wing wheel consists of adjustable wing holder and from aluminium swinging fork with fiberglass flat spring and 16 inch wheel. The fork with the spring provides the suspension and restrains shocks from the ground.
The Wing wheel consists of adjustable wing holder and from aluminium swinging fork with fiberglass flat spring and 16 inch wheel. The fork with the spring provides the suspension and restrains shocks from the ground.